Source code for sdv.validators.stix.profile

# Copyright (c) 2015, The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE.txt for complete terms.

# builtin
import os
import itertools
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import StringIO

# external
import xlrd
from lxml import etree

# internal
from sdv import errors, utils, xmlconst

# relative
from . import common
from .. import schematron

# Rule worksheet columns
COL_XSI_TYPES      = 3

# Instance Mapping worksheet columns
COL_LABEL          = 0

# Namespace worksheet columns
COL_ALIAS          = 1

# Occurrence values
OCCURRENCE_PROHIBITED       = ('prohibited', 'must not')
OCCURRENCE_REQUIRED         = ('required', 'must')
OCCURRENCE_OPTIONAL         = ('optional', 'may')
OCCURRENCE_SUGGESTED        = ('suggested', 'should')
OCCURRENCE_DISCOURAGED      = ('should not',)
ALLOWED_OCCURRENCES         = tuple(

# Used by profile schematron for reporting error line numbers.
SAXON_LINENO = '[<value-of select="saxon:line-number()"/>]'

class InstanceMapping(object):
    """Contains information about an entry in the Instance Mapping worksheet
    of a Profile.

        nsmap: A dictionary representation of the Namespaces worksheet.

        selectors: A list of instance selectors for an Instance Mapping entry.
        namespace: The type namespace for an Instance Mapping entry.
        ns_alias: The namespace alias for the `namespace` to be used in the
            output profile schematron.
    def __init__(self, nsmap):
        self._nsmap = nsmap
        self._ns_alias  = None
        self.label = None
        self.selectors = None
        self.namespace = None

    def selectors(self):
        return self._selectors

    def selectors(self, value):
        """Parses the cell value found in the Excel STIX profile for Instance
        Mapping selectors.

            value: An single selector, list of selectors, or a
            comma-delimited string of selectors.

        if not value:
            self._selectors = []
        elif isinstance(value, basestring):
            self._selectors = [
                x.strip().replace('"', "'") for x in value.split(",")
        elif hasattr(value, "__getitem__"):
            self._selectors = [str(x) for x in value]
            self._selectors = [value]

    def namespace(self):
        return self._namespace

    def namespace(self, value):
        """Sets the namespace and ns_alias properties.

            .ProfileParseError: if `value` is not found in the internal
                namespace dictionary.

        if not value:
            self._namespace = None
            self._ns_alias = None
            if value not in self._nsmap:
                raise errors.ProfileParseError(
                    "Unable to map namespace '%s' to namespace alias" % value

            self._namespace = value
            self._ns_alias = self._nsmap[value]

    def ns_alias(self):
        return self._ns_alias

    def validate(self):
        """Checks that this is a valid InstanceMapping instance.

            errors.ProfileParseError: If ``namespace`` is ``None`` or
                any of the selector values are empty.

        if not self.label:
            raise errors.ProfileParseError(
                "Missing type label in Instance Mapping"

        if not self.namespace:
            raise errors.ProfileParseError(
                "Missing namespace for '%s' in Instance Mapping "
                "worksheet" % self.label

        if not (self.selectors and all(self.selectors)):
            raise errors.ProfileParseError(
                "Empty selector for '%s' in Instance Mapping "
                "worksheet. Look for extra commas in field." % self.label

class Profile(collections.MutableSequence):
    def __init__(self, namespaces): = "STIX_Schematron_Profile"
        self._rules = []
        self._namespaces = namespaces

    def insert(self, idx, value):
        if not value:

        self._rules.insert(idx, value)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._rules.__getitem__(key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self._rules.__setitem__(key, value)

    def __delitem__(self, key):

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._rules)

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return bool(self._rules)

    def _collect_rules(self):
        """Builds and returns a dictionary of ``BaseProfileRule``
        implementations from the internal storage. The key is the Rule context
        (e.g., "/", "stix:Indicator", "stix:STIX_Header/stix:Package_Intent").

        Determining the context of a profile rule is done by examining the
        following properties of the rule:

        * If the rule is a Prohibits or Requires occurrence check, the
            context is pulled directly from the _BaseProfileRule instance's
            ``context`` property. This value is derived from the context
            label associated with the rule entry in the profile worksheet.
        * If the rule checks for allowed values or implementations of an
            element the context will be a selector pointing directly to the
            element. This is done to cut down on validation noise (otherwise a
            missing element would raise errors for a required element being
            missing AND the element not containing an allowed value because it
            wasn't found at all).
        * If the rule checks for allowed values of an attribute, the rule
            context will pulled directly from the _BaseProfileRule instance's
            ``context`` property. This should probably follow the rules
            described above, but doesn't for no good reason.

            A dictionary of lists of rules associated by ``<rule>`` context.

        collected = collections.defaultdict(list)

        for test in self:

        return collected

    def _create_rule(self, ctx):
        return etree.XML(
            '<rule xmlns="%s" context="%s"/>' % (xmlconst.NS_SCHEMATRON, ctx)

    def rules(self):
        """Builds and returns a dictionary of ``BaseProfileRule``
        implementations. The key is the Rule context.

        rules = []
        collected = self._collect_rules()

        for ctx, tests in collected.iteritems():
            rule = self._create_rule(ctx)
            rule.extend([test.as_etree() for test in tests])

        return rules

    def _get_root_rule(self):
        """Returns a Schematron rule which checks that the root element of
        the XML instance document is a ``STIX_Package``


        ns_stix = ""
        text = "The root element must be a STIX_Package instance"
        test = "%s:STIX_Package" % self._namespaces.get(ns_stix, 'stix')

        rule = self._create_rule("/")
        assertion = etree.XML(
            '<assert xmlns="%s" test="%s" role="error">%s %s</assert> ' %
            (xmlconst.NS_SCHEMATRON, test, text, SAXON_LINENO)

        pattern = self._pattern(rule)
        return pattern

    def _get_schema_node(self):
        return etree.Element(
            "{%s}schema" % xmlconst.NS_SCHEMATRON,
            nsmap={None: xmlconst.NS_SCHEMATRON}

    def _pattern(self, rule):
        ns = xmlconst.NS_SCHEMATRON
        pattern = etree.XML("<pattern xmlns='{0}'/>".format(ns))
        return pattern

    def _get_namespaces(self):
        """Returns a list of etree Elements that represent Schematron
        ``<ns prefix='foo' uri='bar'>`` elements.

        namespaces = []

        for ns, prefix in self._namespaces.iteritems():
            namespace = etree.Element("{%s}ns" % xmlconst.NS_SCHEMATRON)
            namespace.set("prefix", prefix)
            namespace.set("uri", ns)

        return namespaces

    def as_etree(self):
        """Returns an etree Schematron document for this ``Profile``."""
        patterns = []

        schema = self._get_schema_node()

        return schema

class _BaseProfileRule(object):
    """Base class for profile rules.

        context: The context selector for this rule. This is determined by
            linking the rule context label to a selector.
        field: The name of the element or attribute for which this rule

        context: The context selector for this rule. This is determined by
            linking the rule context label to a selector.
        field: Tne name of the element or attribute for which this rule

    _TYPE_REPORT  = "report"
    _TYPE_ASSERT  = "assert"

    def __init__(self, context, field):
        self._type = None
        self._role = "error"
        self._context = context
        self.field = field

    def _validate(self):
        """Perform validation/sanity checks on the input values."""

    def role(self):
        """Returns the Schematron assertion role for this rule."""
        return self._role

    def type(self):
        """The type of Schematron test: ``report`` or ``assert``."""
        return self._type

    def is_attr(self):
        """Returns ``True`` if this rule is defined for an attribute field."""
        return self.field.startswith("@")

    def message(self):
        """Returns the error message to be displayed if this rule does not
        evaluate successfully.

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def test(self):
        """The xpath test to evaluate against a node."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def context_selector(self):
        """Returns the schematron rule context selector to be used for this
        schematron assert/report 'rule'.

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def path(self):
        """Returns the fully qualified ``context/field`` path to the XML node
        for which this assert/report applies.

        return "{0}/{1}".format(self._context, self.field)

    def as_etree(self):
        """Returns a Schematron ``<assert>`` or ``<report>`` for this
        profile rule.

        args = (
            self.type,                   # 'assert' or 'report'
            xmlconst.NS_SCHEMATRON,      # schematron namespace
            self.test,                   # test selector
            self.role,                   # "error"
            self.message,                # error message
            SAXON_LINENO                 # line number function

        xml = '<{0} xmlns="{1}" test="{2}" role="{3}">{4} {5}</{0}>'
        rule = etree.XML(xml.format(*args))

        return rule

class RequiredRule(_BaseProfileRule):
    """Represents a profile rule which requires the presence of an element
    or attribute.

    This serializes to a Schematron ``<assert>`` directive as
    it will raise an error if the field is **not** found in the instance

    def __init__(self, context, field):
        super(RequiredRule, self).__init__(context, field)
        self._type = self._TYPE_ASSERT

    def test(self):
        return self.field

    def context_selector(self):
        return self._context

    def message(self):
        return "{0} is required by this profile.".format(self.path)

class ProhibitedRule(_BaseProfileRule):
    """Represents a profile rule which prohibits the use of a particular
    attribute or field.

    This serializes to a Schematron ``<report>`` directive
    as it will raise an error if the field **is found** in the instance

    def __init__(self, context, field):
        super(ProhibitedRule, self).__init__(context, field)
        self._type = self._TYPE_REPORT

    def test(self):
        return self.field

    def context_selector(self):
        return self._context

    def message(self):
        return "{0} is prohibited by this profile.".format(self.path)

class AllowedValuesRule(_BaseProfileRule):
    """Represents a profile rule which requires that a field value be one
    of a defined set of allowed values.

    This serializes to a schematron ``<assert>`` directive.

    def __init__(self, context, field, required=True, values=None):
        super(AllowedValuesRule, self).__init__(context, field)
        self._type = self._TYPE_ASSERT
        self.is_required = required
        self.values = values

    def values(self):
        return self._values

    def values(self, value):
        """Parses the cell value found in the Excel STIX profile for allowable

            value: An allowed value, list of allowed values, or a
            comma-delimited string of allowed values.

        if not value:
            self._values = []
        elif isinstance(value, basestring):
            self._values = [x.strip() for x in value.split(',')]
        elif hasattr(value, "__getitem__"):
            self._values = [str(x) for x in value]
            self._values = [value]

    def context_selector(self):
        if self.is_attr and self.is_required:
            return self._context
            return self.path

    def message(self):
        return "The allowed values for {0} are {1}".format(
            self.path, self.values

    def test(self):
        """Returns a test to check that a field is equal to one of the
        allowable values.

        This expects the ``<assert>`` directive to be places within a rule
        where the selector is the field name if this rule applies to an
        element name.

        If the resulting ``<assert>`` applies to an attribute, this assumes
        that the ``<rule>`` context will point to a parent element.

        name = self.field
        allowed = self.values

        if self.is_attr and self.is_required:
            test = " or ".join("%s='%s'" % (name, x) for x in allowed)
            test = " or ".join(".='%s'" % (x) for x in allowed)

        return test

class AllowedImplsRule(_BaseProfileRule):
    def __init__(self, context, field, required=True, impls=None):
        super(AllowedImplsRule, self).__init__(context, field)
        self._type = self._TYPE_ASSERT
        self.is_required = required
        self.impls = impls

    def _validate(self):
        if not self.is_attr:

        raise errors.ProfileParseError(
            "Implementation rules cannot be applied to attribute fields: "

    def impls(self):
        return self._impls

    def impls(self, value):
        """Parses the cell value found in the Excel STIX profile for allowable

            value: An allowed implementation value, list of allowed
            implementations, or a comma-delimited string of allowed

        if not value:
            self._impls = []
        elif isinstance(value, basestring):
            self._impls = [x.strip() for x in value.split(',')]
        elif hasattr(value, "__getitem__"):
            self._impls = [str(x) for x in value]
            self._impls = [value]

    def context_selector(self):
        return self.path

    def message(self):
        msg = "The allowed implementations for {0} are {1}"
        msg = msg.format(self.path, self.impls)
        return msg

    def test(self):
        """Returns a test to check that a field implementation is set to
        one of the allowable values.

        This expects the ``<assert>`` directive to be places within a rule
        where the selector is the field name if this rule applies to an
        element name.

        return " or ".join("@xsi:type='%s'" % (x,) for x in self.impls)

[docs]class ProfileError(schematron.SchematronError): """Represents STIX profile validation error. Args: doc: The instance document which was validated and produced this error. error: The ``svrl:failed-assert`` or ``svrl:successful-report`` ``etree._Element`` instance. Attributes: message: The STIX Profile validation error message. """ def __init__(self, doc, error): super(ProfileError, self).__init__(doc, error) self._line = self._parse_line(error) def _parse_line(self, error): """Errors are reported as ``<error msg> [line number]``. This method parses the line number out of th error message. Returns: A string line number for the `error`. """ text = super(ProfileError, self)._parse_message(error) if not text: return None # Split the string on whitespace. # Get the last item. # Strip the leading '[' and trailing ']'. line = text.split()[-1][1:-1] return line def __unicode__(self): return super(ProfileError, self).__unicode__() def __str__(self): return super(ProfileError, self).__str__() def _parse_message(self, error): """Parses the message component from the SVRL report error message. Profile error messages are formatted as follows: ``<Error message text> [<line number>]``. This method returns everything left of the line number marker `` [``. """ text = super(ProfileError, self)._parse_message(error) if not text: return None return text[:text.rfind(' [')]
[docs]class ProfileValidationResults(schematron.SchematronValidationResults): """Represents STIX profile validation results. This is returned from the :meth:`STIXProfileValidator.validate` method. Args: is_vaild: ``True`` if the document was valid and ``False`` otherwise. doc: The document that was validated. This is an instance of lxml._Element. svrl_report: The SVRL report. This is an instance of ``lxml.isoschematron.Schematron.validation_report`` Attributes: errors: A list of :class:`ProfileError` instances representing errors found in the `svrl_report`. """ def __init__(self, is_valid, doc=None, svrl_report=None): super(ProfileValidationResults, self).__init__( is_valid=is_valid, doc=doc, svrl_report=svrl_report ) def _parse_errors(self, svrl_report): if not svrl_report: return None xpath = "//svrl:failed-assert | //svrl:successful-report" nsmap = {'svrl': xmlconst.NS_SVRL} errors = svrl_report.xpath(xpath, namespaces=nsmap) return [ProfileError(self._doc, x) for x in errors]
[docs]class STIXProfileValidator(schematron.SchematronValidator): """Performs STIX Profile validation. Args: profile_fn: The filename of a ``.xlsx`` STIX Profile document. """ def __init__(self, profile_fn): self._schematron = None # silence pylint with self._parse_profile(profile_fn) as profile: super(STIXProfileValidator, self).__init__(schematron=profile) def _build_rules(self, info, field, occurrence, types, values): """Builds a ``_BaseProfileRule`` implementation list for the rule parameters. Each rule can be broken up into the following components: * Context Label: Any label that can be mapped to one or more instance document selectors. For example: 'indicator:Indicator' which could be mapped ('//indicator:Indicator', '//stixCommon:Indicator', '//stix:Indicator'). The context label does not need to refer to a schema data type, but often does. * Field Name: An element or attribute name held by structure pointed to by the context label. For example, if the context label is 'indicator:Indicator' a field name could be '@version' or 'Title'. Attributes are prefaced by '@'. * Occurrence: These are typically, 'prohibited', 'required', 'optional' or 'suggested'. Rules are only created for 'required' and 'prohibited' occurrence entries. * Implementation Type(s): These are allowed implementations of a ``Field Name``. This is often used to define controlled vocabulary or CybOX Object requirements. Example: ``stixVocabs:IndicatorType``. Multiple entries are comma delimited. * Allowed Value(s): Allowable values for a ``Field Name``. Examples are allowable `@version` values, or controlled vocabulary terms. Entries marked as ``Required`` may also have ``Allowed Value`` and ``Implementation Types`` tests applied to the field as well. Entries marked as ``Prohibited`` are only checked for presence. Any values found in the ``Implementation Types` or ``Allowed Values`` fields will be ignored. Returns: A list of ``_BaseProfileRule`` implementations for the given rule parameters. Because a ``Context Label`` can be mapped to multiple instance selectors, this method returns a list of rules for each selector. If a ``Context Label`` maps to only one selector, a list containing one element will be returned. """ selectors = info.selectors ns_alias = info.ns_alias if not field.startswith("@"): # Elements must have a namespace alias attached which maps to # the defining namespace for the underlying data type of the # instance selector. Sometimes the profile will include the # alias and if so use that, but if it isn't included, use # the passed alias (from the parent type). if ":" in field: fieldname = field else: fieldname = "%s:%s" % (ns_alias, field) else: fieldname = field rules = [] for context in selectors: is_required = False if occurrence in OCCURRENCE_REQUIRED: is_required = True rule = RequiredRule(context, fieldname) rules.append(rule) elif occurrence in OCCURRENCE_PROHIBITED: rule = ProhibitedRule(context, fieldname) rules.append(rule) continue # Cannot set prohibited values or impls elif occurrence in ALL_OPTIONAL_OCCURRENCES: pass else: continue if types: rule = AllowedImplsRule(context, fieldname, is_required, types) rules.append(rule) if values: rule = AllowedValuesRule(context, fieldname, is_required, values) rules.append(rule) return rules def _parse_worksheet_rules(self, worksheet, instance_map): """Parses the rules from the profile sheet `workheet`. Args: worksheet: A profile worksheet containing rules. instance_map: A dictionary representation of the ``Instance Mapping`` worksheet. Returns: A list of ``_BaseProfileRule`` implementations for the rules defined in the `worksheet`. Raises: .ProfileParseError: If a rule context label has no associated entry in `instance_map`. """ value = functools.partial(self._get_value, worksheet) is_empty_row = functools.partial(self._is_empty_row, worksheet) def check_label(label): if label not in instance_map: err = ( "Worksheet '{0}' context label '{1}' has no Instance " "Mapping entry." ) raise errors.ProfileParseError( err.format(, label) ) all_rules = [] for i in xrange(1, worksheet.nrows): if is_empty_row(i): continue if not value(i, COL_OCCURRENCE): ctx_label = value(i, COL_FIELD_NAME) check_label(ctx_label) continue field = value(i, COL_FIELD_NAME) occurrence = value(i, COL_OCCURRENCE).lower() types = value(i, COL_XSI_TYPES) values = value(i, COL_ALLOWED_VALUES) if occurrence not in ALLOWED_OCCURRENCES: err = "Found unknown occurrence '{0}' in worksheet '{1}'." raise errors.ProfileParseError( err.format(occurrence, ) rules = self._build_rules( info=instance_map[ctx_label], field=field, occurrence=occurrence, types=types, values=values ) all_rules.extend(rules) return all_rules def _parse_namespace_worksheet(self, worksheet): """Parses the Namespaces worksheet of a STIX profile. Returns a dictionary representation. ``d = { <namespace> : <namespace alias> }`` By default, libxml2-required Saxon namespace is added to the return dictionary. """ value = functools.partial(self._get_value, worksheet) is_empty_row = functools.partial(self._is_empty_row, worksheet) nsmap = {xmlconst.NS_SAXON: 'saxon'} def check_namespace(ns, alias): if not all((ns, alias)): raise errors.ProfileParseError( "Missing namespace or alias: unable to parse Namespaces " "worksheet" ) for i in xrange(1, worksheet.nrows): # skip the first row if is_empty_row(i): continue ns = value(i, COL_NAMESPACE) alias = value(i, COL_ALIAS) check_namespace(ns, alias) nsmap[ns] = alias return nsmap def _parse_instance_mapping_worksheet(self, worksheet, nsmap): """Parses the supplied Instance Mapping worksheet and returns a dictionary representation. Args: worksheet: The instance mapping worksheet of the profile. nsmap: The namespace dictionary derived from the ``Namespace`` worksheet of the profile. Returns: A dictionary where the key is a Profile rule context label and the value is an instance of the :class:`InstanceMapping`. """ value = functools.partial(self._get_value, worksheet) is_empty_row = functools.partial(self._is_empty_row, worksheet) instance_map = {} def check_label(label): if not label: raise errors.ProfileParseError( "Found empty type label in Instance Mapping worksheet" ) if label in instance_map: err = ( "Found duplicate type label in Instance Mapping " "worksheet: '{0}'" ) raise errors.ProfileParseError(err.format(label)) for i in xrange(1, worksheet.nrows): if is_empty_row(i): continue label = value(i, COL_LABEL) check_label(label) mapping = InstanceMapping(nsmap) mapping.label = label mapping.namespace = value(i, COL_TYPE_NAMESPACE) mapping.selectors = value(i, COL_SELECTORS) mapping.validate() instance_map[label] = mapping return instance_map def _parse_workbook_rules(self, workbook, instance_map): """Parses all worksheets contained in `workbook` which contain profile rules. This will skip over the 'Overview', 'Namespace', and 'Instance Mapping' worksheets. Args: workbook: The profile Excel workbook. instance_map: A dictionary representation of the ``Instance Mapping`` worksheet. Returns: A list of ``_BaseProfileRule`` implementations containing every rule in the `workbook` profile. """ skip = ("Overview", "Namespaces", "Instance Mapping") rules = [] for worksheet in workbook.sheets(): if in skip: continue wksht_rules = self._parse_worksheet_rules(worksheet, instance_map) rules.extend(wksht_rules) return rules @contextlib.contextmanager def _parse_profile(self, profile_fn): """Converts the supplied STIX profile into a Schematron representation. The Schematron schema is returned as a etree._Element instance. Args: workbook: The profile Excel workbook. Returns: A Schematron ``etree._Element`` instance. Raises: .ProfileParseError: If `profile_fn` does not point to a valid STIX profile or an error occurs while parsing the STIX profile. """ workbook = self._open_workbook(profile_fn) ws = workbook.sheet_by_name try: namespaces = self._parse_namespace_worksheet(ws("Namespaces")) instance_mapping = self._parse_instance_mapping_worksheet( ws("Instance Mapping"), namespaces ) rules = self._parse_workbook_rules(workbook, instance_mapping) profile = Profile(namespaces) profile.extend(rules) yield profile.as_etree() except xlrd.XLRDError as ex: err = "Error occurred while parsing STIX Profile: %s" % str(ex) raise errors.ProfileParseError(err) finally: self._unload_workbook(workbook) def _unload_workbook(self, workbook): """Unloads the xlrd workbook.""" for worksheet in workbook.sheets(): workbook.unload_sheet( def _is_empty_row(self, worksheet, row): """Returns true if the `row` in `worksheet` does not contain any values in any columns. """ return not any( self._get_value(worksheet, row, x) for x in xrange(worksheet.ncols) ) def _get_value(self, worksheet, row, col): """Returns the worksheet cell value found at (row,col).""" if not worksheet: raise errors.ProfileParseError("worksheet value was NoneType") return str(worksheet.cell_value(row, col)) def _open_workbook(self, filename): """Returns xlrd.open_workbook(filename) or raises an Exception if the filename extension is not .xlsx or the open_workbook() call fails. """ if not filename.lower().endswith(".xlsx"): raise errors.ProfileParseError( "Profile must have .XLSX extension. Filename provided: '%s'" % filename ) if not os.path.exists(filename): raise errors.ProfileParseError( "The profile document '%s' does not exist" % filename ) try: return xlrd.open_workbook(filename) except: raise errors.ProfileParseError( "Error occurred while opening '%s'. File may be an invalid or " "corrupted XSLX document." ) @schematron.SchematronValidator.xslt.getter def xslt(self): """Returns an lxml.etree._ElementTree representation of the ISO Schematron skeleton generated XSLT translation of a STIX profile. The STIXProfileValidator uses the extension function saxon:line-number() for reporting line numbers. This function is stripped along with any references to the Saxon namespace from the exported XSLT. This is due to compatibility issues between Schematron/XSLT processing libraries. For example, SaxonPE/EE expects the Saxon namespace to be "" while libxslt expects it to be "". The freely distributed SaxonHE library does not support Saxon extension functions at all. Returns: An ``etree._ElementTree`` XSLT document. """ if not self._schematron: return None s = etree.tostring(self._schematron.validator_xslt) s = s.replace( ' [<axsl:text/>' '<axsl:value-of select="saxon:line-number()"/>' '<axsl:text/>]', '' ) s = s.replace('xmlns:saxon=""', '') s = s.replace( '<svrl:ns-prefix-in-attribute-values ' 'uri="" prefix="saxon"/>', '' ) parser = utils.get_xml_parser() return etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(s), parser=parser) @schematron.SchematronValidator.schematron.getter def schematron(self): """Returns an lxml.etree._ElementTree representation of the ISO Schematron translation of a STIX profile. The STIXProfileValidator uses the extension function saxon:line-number() for reporting line numbers. This function is stripped along with any references to the Saxon namespace from the exported XSLT. This is due to compatibility issues between Schematron/XSLT processing libraries. For example, SaxonPE/EE expects the Saxon namespace to be "" while libxslt expects it to be "". The freely distributed SaxonHE library does not support Saxon extension functions at all. Returns: An ``etree._ElementTree`` Schematron document. """ to_replace = ' %s' % SAXON_LINENO s = etree.tostring(self._schematron.schematron) s = s.replace(to_replace, '') s = s.replace('<ns prefix="saxon" uri=""/>', '') parser = utils.get_xml_parser() return etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(s), parser=parser) @common.check_stix
[docs] def validate(self, doc): """Validates an XML instance document against a STIX profile. Args: doc: The STIX document. This can be a filename, file-like object, ``etree._Element``, or ``etree._ElementTree`` instance. Returns: An instance of :class:`.ProfileValidationResults`. Raises: .ValidationError: If there are any issues parsing `doc`. """ root = utils.get_etree_root(doc) is_valid = self._schematron.validate(root) svrl_report = self._schematron.validation_report return ProfileValidationResults(is_valid, root, svrl_report)
__all__ = [ 'STIXProfileValidator', 'ProfileError', 'ProfileValidationResults' ]