Source code for sdv.validators.stix.schema

# Copyright (c) 2015, The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE.txt for complete terms.

# builtin
import os

# internal
from sdv import errors
from sdv.resources import XSD_ROOT

# relative
from . import common
from .. import xml_schema, base

class _XmlSchemaValidator(xml_schema.XmlSchemaValidator):
    """Needed to resolve namespace collisions between CybOX 2.1 and
    STIX v1.1.1.

    CybOX imports CPE 2.3. The STIX CVRF extension imports CPE 2.2a. Both
    are defined within the '' namespace,
    which results in a namespace collision.

    To resolve this, we force the '' namespace
    to map to the CPE 2.3 schemas.

        '': os.path.join(
            XSD_ROOT, 'stix_1.1.1', 'cybox', 'external', 'cpe_2.3', 'cpe-language_2.3.xsd'

[docs]class STIXSchemaValidator(base.BaseSchemaValidator): _SCHEMAS = { 'stix-1.2.1': os.path.join(XSD_ROOT, 'stix_1.2.1'), '1.2': os.path.join(XSD_ROOT, 'stix_1.2'), '1.1.1': os.path.join(XSD_ROOT, 'stix_1.1.1'), '1.1': os.path.join(XSD_ROOT, 'stix_1.1'), '1.0.1': os.path.join(XSD_ROOT, 'stix_1.0.1'), '1.0': os.path.join(XSD_ROOT, 'stix_1.0') } def __init__(self, schema_dir=None): super(STIXSchemaValidator, self).__init__(schema_dir=schema_dir) def _get_document_version(self, doc): return common.get_version(doc) def _raise_invalid_version(self, version): error = ( "Invalid STIX version number provided or found in input " "document: '{0}'" ).format(version) raise errors.InvalidSTIXVersionError( message=error, expected=common.STIX_VERSIONS, found=version ) def _get_validator_impl(self, schema_dir=None): return _XmlSchemaValidator(schema_dir=schema_dir) @common.check_stix
[docs] def validate(self, doc, version=None, schemaloc=False): """Performs XML Schema validation against a STIX document. When validating against the set of bundled schemas, a STIX version number must be declared for the input `doc`. If a user does not pass in a `version` parameter, an attempt will be made to collect the version from the input `doc`. Note: If `schemaloc` is ``True`` or this class was initialized with a ``schema_dir``, no version checking or verification will occur. Args: doc: The STIX document. This can be a filename, file-like object, ``etree._Element``, or ``etree._ElementTree`` instance. version: The version of the STIX document. If ``None`` an attempt will be made to extract the version from `doc`. schemaloc: If ``True``, the ``xsi:schemaLocation`` attribute on `doc` will be used to drive the validation. Returns: An instance of :class:`.XmlValidationResults`. Raises: .UnknownSTIXVersionError: If `version` is ``None`` and `doc` does not contain STIX version information. .InvalidSTIXVersionError: If `version` is an invalid STIX version or `doc` contains an invalid STIX version number. .ValidationError: If the class was not initialized with a schema directory and `schemaloc` is ``False``. .XMLSchemaImportError: If an error occurs while processing the schemas required for validation. .XMLSchemaIncludeError: If an error occurs while processing ``xs:include`` directives. .ValidationError: If there are any issues parsing `doc`. """ return self._validate(doc=doc, version=version, schemaloc=schemaloc)
__all__ = [ 'STIXSchemaValidator' ]