Version: 2.2.0.dev0

sdv.validators.schematron Module

class sdv.validators.schematron.SchematronValidator(schematron)[source]

Performs schematron validation against an XML instance document.

Parameters:schematron – A Schematron document. This can be a filename, file-like object, etree._Element, or etree._ElementTree instance.

Validates an XML instance document doc using Schematron rules.

Parameters:doc – An XML instance document. This can be a filename, file-like object, etree._Element or etree._ElementTree instance.
Returns:An instance of SchematronValidationResults.
Raises:ValidationError – If there are any issues parsing doc.
class sdv.validators.schematron.SchematronValidationResults(is_valid, doc=None, svrl_report=None)[source]

Bases: sdv.validators.base.ValidationResults

Used to hold results of a Schematron validation process.

  • is_valid – The boolean validation result.
  • doc – The document which produced these validation results.
  • svrl_report – The etree._ElementTree SVRL report produced during the validation run.

A list of SchematronError instances representing errors found in the svrl_report.


Returns True if the validation was successful and False otherwise.


A dictionary representation of the SchematronValidationResults instance.

  • 'result': The validation results. Values can be True or False.
  • 'errors': A list of validation error dictionaries. The keys are 'message' and 'line'.
Returns:A dictionary representation of an instance of this class.

Returns a JSON representation of this class instance.


Returns True if the validation attempt was successful and False otherwise.

class sdv.validators.schematron.SchematronError(doc, error)[source]

Bases: sdv.validators.base.ValidationError

Represents an error found in a SVRL report.

  • doc – The instance document which was validated and produced this error.
  • error – The svrl:failed-assert or svrl:successful-report etree._Element instance.

The validation error message.


Returns a dictionary representation.

  • 'message': The error message
  • 'line': The line number associated with the error

Returns a JSON representation of this class instance.


Returns the line number in the input document associated with this error.

This property is lazily evaluated, meaning the line number isn’t known until the first time this property is accessed. Each subsequent call will return the cached line number.